Friday, November 1, 2013

Getting started with Hamlet

Here's what we have done so far.
1. We've written what we would feel and do if we were in Hamlet's situation. (Hamlet's father has died. Hamlet's mother has remarried soon after the death. Hamlet's mother married his father's (her husband's) brother. Soon thereafter Hamlet's beloved is forbidden to see him. Then, Hamlet's friend (and a couple guards) tell him they have seen the ghost of his father several nights in a row. They invite Hamlet to see the ghost that night.)
2. We've written down our thoughts, feelings, experiences, and/or observations about the thread/motif we were assigned in class on Friday.
Zoe P, your motif is loyalty and betrayal.

Lauren, your motif is flora (flowers, plants).
Emily, your motif is fauna (animals).
Bethany, your motif is fortune and fate.

Here's what you'll do this weekend.
1. Read some of the introductory material at the beginning of the book: Shakespeare's Hamlet, Reading Shakespeare's Language, and An Introduction to This Text. (Don't worry about reading Shakespeare's Life, Shakespeare's Theater, and the Publication of Shakespeare's Plays unless those topics interest you.)
2. While reading write down ten (10) details that seem important to know about the play, the language, and the text. (Ten total not ten each.) We will share these details. Details from the introductory reading will be assessed as part of the test you take after reading and studying the play.
3. Read act one, scene one. Take notes. Note the appearance of your thread in particular. Be aware of how much you understand and how much is difficult. Use the summary at the beginning of the scene to help you. Use the notes on the left-hand page (verso) to help you too.

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